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The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and

The Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatry (SUSP)

There is no such thing as a sole member of APA. When you become a member of the American Psychiatric Association, you also become part of a district branch Dual membership as a requirement of maintaining APA membership. Joint APA and district branch membership makes for stronger representation and promotion of the profession. The district branch offers more personal interaction and deals with issues on the state level. The district branch and the APA work together to bring you information, educate the public and provide development opportunities. Get involved with the Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatry (SUSP) district branch, the only branch for military service members to join.

The SUSP branch is created specifically for members in the military, who may move frequently, and even live outside the country. If you are currently serving, you may choose to join the Uniformed Services branch, or you may choose to be a member of the district branch where you are living. If you join the branch where you live, you will be required to transfer your branch membership each time you move. When you are no longer in active service, you will need to transfer to the branch where you live or work.

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Membership Eligibility
Membership Eligibility
  • Current American Psychiatric Association membership
  • Active duty psychiatrists in the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Public Health Service
  • For Guard and Reserve, please contact us for more information.
  • Retired psychiatrists from the above components.
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Benefits of Membership
Benefits of Membership

All APA membership benefits plus:

  • Network with military psychiatrists worldwide
  • Avoid the hassle of changing APA districts with each PCS
  • Free access to SUSP Quarterly
  • Relevant additions to the APA annual meeting, education, business meeting, and social reception
  • Members-in-Training with original research can compete for the Al Glass Award

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Not an APA member?
Not an APA member?
  1. Apply for the appropriate membership through the APA.
  2. When prompted, select Society Uniformed Services Psychiatry (SUSP) as your District Branch.
  3. The SUSP Council will review your application for approval. Applicants must be active duty or retired military or public health service psychiatrists.
  4. Introduce yourself to the community via our forums.

Please contact for more information regarding membership.

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Already an APA member?
Already an APA member?

US & Canadian members: Your selected District Branch Preferred Address ("mailing" or "other") determines your District Branch affiliation. Changing your District Branch Preferred Address may result in a District Branch transfer. If no preferred address is selected, your Primary Mailing Address will be considered your district branch address. For Resident-Fellows, your District Branch is automatically determined by your training program's address. Find out more here.

APA Login

Become an Affiliate Member and

Stay in your Local District Branch


Affiliate members are psychiatrists that are full members of the APA who choose to retain their local membership in another district branch. Affiliate members have interest in Military Psychiatry, work in Military Treatment Facilities, or work closely with other SUSP members in research, educational, or clinical settings. Learn more about SUSP affiliate opportunities and requirements here!


SUSP is a private organization; the views expressed do not represent those of the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. SUSP in not authorized to serve as an intermediary for purposes of providing patient care.

Contact Us


574E Ritchie Highway, #271

Severna Park, MD 21146

1-855-388-SUSP (7877)

Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved
Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists